
Saturday, March 23, 2013

New Hair, New Camera

I've been feeling like it's maybe time to grow my hair out again, but before I do, I decided to go as short as I think I'd ever care to... and the timing works out well with my impending trip to Portland to shoot Doomsday Knits. So I went to see our brilliant friend David at his salon in Ann Arbor and had him razor the shit out of my hair, apocalypse-y style! (As much as I enjoy cutting my own hair, I don't trust myself to go too much shorter than shoulder length on my own.)


I wanted something that I could sleek-out for the cybery chapter, and then scruff up for everything else. I think this fits the bill. I'm still sort of learning out to style it (I tried curling it the other day- see below- it was rather Betty Boopish) but I liked it immediately and it's only grown on me since then (badumching!) I might end up maintaining it a little longer before I grow it out, actually. We'll see.


In other news, I finally retired my old Nikon D70 and treated myself to something a little newer. It's not necessarily fancier, but I kind of fell in love with Vivian's and decided to be a big ole copycat. It took a solid day of manual-reading to facilitate my camp switch (I'm a traitor, I know) and I'm definitely still getting the hang of it, but so far I'm pleased with my decision. I also shelled for a slightly wider angle lens so that I can actually fit things inside the frame when I'm indoors (I love my 50mm/f1.8, and I did re-buy it for this camera too, but you have to stand REALLY far away to get more than a few feet of space in the shot.)


 And of course, the dogs were willing test subjects.

Pro-tip, clean the eye goop off your dog's face before taking their portrait. Also I think Rupert might have a lazy eye. Hmm. One dog with a lazy eye and one with an underbite. I sure do pick the pretty ones.


(That composition is terrible but the unnecessary shameface is pretty good. "....Why are you pointing that robot eye at me? What did I do? Aw shit.")


  1. Do you mind linking what kind of wide angle lens you got? And maybe links to good photography 101 sort of pages? I'm looking into getting a new camera and want to take pretty, pretty pictures like you have. :)

    1. It's not terribly wide angle but it feels like it after my 50mm, haha:

      I don't really have any good photo resources, I'm still operating off what little I learned in college...'s kinda fun though I don't know how many of the tips are actually practical, haha.

      And these look pretty good, provided you're using a Canon:

      I should have Vivian swoop in and do some guest tutorials when she's done with the book editing, hehe.

  2. I have 700 tvl dome camera and I just shot a roll of film that will provide some good pics for the nature challenge! How exactly is participation going to work? Are we sharing our photos with you or just following along? Either way I'm very excited



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